Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Baby Wilson Update and 35 Week Bump

Long story short...Baby Wilson wants out. Over the past two weeks, my blood pressure has spiked and I've become very swollen, which basically means I have signs of preeclampsia. 

Last week we went to the doctor and the diastolic number of my blood pressure had spiked from the low 70s to 87. The doctor said that his cutoff (basically he would want to deliver) was 90. Well, when I went again today, that bottom number was 95. He is concerned about delivering me before 38 weeks due to lung development so I'm now on bed rest. I thought being on bed rest would be super cool and relaxing but I'm finding that it isn't due to the fact that I have a ton of stuff to wrap up at work, tons of errands and tasks on my to do lists and lots of stuff to clean. Good news is, though, that I can still get up and do stuff - I've just been ordered to stay off of my feet as much as possible. Bad news is that Shane has now inherited my to do list. :) 

With that said, I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and if the doc induces at 38 weeks, then that means that Baby Wilson could be here in a little over a week! So crazy! I know that we've been preparing for this event for the past almost 10 months but it still feels so surreal...and scary...and exciting! 

The 35 week bump:

I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. I'm right around the corner and love cleaning, organizing, etc...let me know what I can do to help! I'm here!
