Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Goodies

My birthday was October 22 and I can truly say that Shane went above and beyond for the event this year! Here is the rundown:

Friday: Got my prezzies including this bad boy:

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that I can actually figure out how to use it and then start taking phenomenal pictures…which get recognized by someone who will pay me thousands of dollars for a single image. Yep, that’s my goal.

After the prezzies, I got a massage, soaked in the whirlpool, had lunch and drinks on a patio and dinner with the family.
Me and Mom (aka Wandawg)

And these are my prezzies:
My 'on the go' camera from Mom
New Coach makeup bags
New jacket from Dad and Greta

Saturday: Slept in, went to an Oktoberfest festival in Smyrna, came home and hung out with friends.
Cowboy Face
Group Rock, Paper, Scissors:

Sunday: Lunch on a patio with Shane and my brother and Paranormal Activity 2. And for those who haven’t seen this movie, go today. Right now. It is so good and scary. My brother, after the movie said, ‘I don’t really know if I like to feel that anxious and scared for that long of a period of time.’ I concur.

Thanks to all my friends and family who made this birthday super special! :)

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