Octobers are always very busy months with events, birthdays, Halloween, etc., etc., etc. This weekend will conclude the glorious month of my birth and I am planning to seriously get back on track with house projects and organization. Here is the pl-zan:
House Projects:
- First and foremost, get the remnants of fill dirt off the driveway. My brother has finished the landscape clean up (pictures to come) and now we just need to spray the driveway off.
Finish my house-related goals that have rolled over for three or more months…so, all of them. Notice how I never recapped September? Totally intentional. - Rethink the sitting room and guest bedroom but do NOT add this to the goal list or it will never get done.
- Get rugs for the master and guest bedroom. I have a special project that I’m working on for this…thanks to Kel’s sis, Devon!
Get Organized:
- I’ve contacted Closets by Design to come out for an in-home consultation on reorganizing and maximizing space in my closet. Based on price, we can look at doing Shane’s closets as well, but he actually has two closets so I don’t feel so bad. (I have the closet in our bedroom and Shane has the closet in the office and guest room.)
- Clean out the remainder of the closets in the house that have been packed with crap since we had our first party. (Rushing to get the place cleaned up and had crap stuck in EVERY closet and crevice.)
- Clean out the kitchen cabinets and get rid of non-matching or non-used dishes. Why do I need 13 flower vases?
- Go through clothes and donate what I won’t wear.
- Make Shane do the same thing.
While it isn’t a completely fleshed out plan, it is at least a starting point. We’ll see how it goes…
As far as this weekend, tonight Shane and I are having dinner with the fam and then going to see ‘Paranormal Activity.’ I’m not really sure about this movie as I’ve heard really mixed reviews…some said that it was overrated and others said they couldn’t sleep for days. I’ll let you know my thoughts. Saturday is the big Georgia v. Florida football game, and Halloween!, and we are heading to a friends’ house to hang out and watch the game. And Sunday is housework day – fun.
Does anyone have any big Halloween plans? Have a great weekend!
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