Thursday, June 11, 2009

The New Deck...In All Its Glory!

Here are pictures of our completed deck, for your viewing pleasure. Cue music...

By the way...putting up lattice is SUPER fun!

Gate and stairs leading to the yard:

Gate and stairs leading to the driveway:

New stairs on the side door:

It was definitely a lot of work, and we owe a huge amount of gratitude to master deck builder, Matt, for all of his help!


  1. Yipee!! Pictures! I love the deck!! Looks really good. Party! party! party!

  2. i was just about to leave the same comment! party on the deck time!

  3. Thanks guys! A parlay is def in the future...but let us do a LITTLE bit of landscaping back's embarassing and scary.

  4. Looks awesome, girl!! And yes - partay - with or without new landscaping!! :)
